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New Members form

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New Members form

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New Members FAQs

Are you new or planning to visit us? Below are some frequently asked questions and answers.

Jesus is the son of God, who came to the world to die for you and me in order to ensure that we have a relationship with our father God. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”

Our Sunday Services and Midweek services are 90 minutes long.

We run two services every Sunday. 9am and 11:00am. On Wednesday, service time is 6:00pm and its always a communion service

Yes, all our services are free to attend.

There are ushers to guide you to where you can sit. We encourage you to inform the usher that you are new and they would do their best to ensure you feel welcome and comfortable.

Yes, Our children’s church (2 – 12 years old) and Teens church (13 – 19 year olds) run concurrently with the main services. 

There are pastors available to counsel and pray with you after every service. Please speak to an usher and they would direct accordingly.

You are Welcome

You are free to call any of the numbers listed here to speak to someone or to have someone agree with you in prayer.

Our Rescue Lines, add (+44) if calling from other countries: +441618326020, +447904646717

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